This is a page to capture breakthroughs, often not yet incorporated into the main database, of our Slovenian Emigrants. Why special? Many here are 1/2 or more Slovenian. Emigrants are hard to track back in Slovenian due to (until mid-2021) the difficulty in accessing records. We have a similar page for Slovak Emigrants as many here also have ancestors from there.
To find the Emigrant in Slovenia, you need to know the village they came from. Sometimes listed explicitly on the passenger arrival list or Declaration of Intent for Naturalization. But all too often, simply the major administrative district is listed. So we spend many years trying to determine the village to then start the real discovery in records.
In some cases this is documenting that we have found the lines in Slovenia but not yet uploaded them. Other cases, it is to document the key contributors or collaborators that helped us get there. As that may get lost in the database entry and sourcing of data.
To find the Emigrant in Slovenia, you need to know the village they came from. Sometimes listed explicitly on the passenger arrival list or Declaration of Intent for Naturalization. But all too often, simply the major administrative district is listed. So we spend many years trying to determine the village to then start the real discovery in records.
In some cases this is documenting that we have found the lines in Slovenia but not yet uploaded them. Other cases, it is to document the key contributors or collaborators that helped us get there. As that may get lost in the database entry and sourcing of data.