Slovenia Warring Factions

It is not well known or studied among the emigrants to America about what really happened during the wars. Especially World War II. 5 of the 12 [JordaBaznik|Jordan siblings came to America around the World War I time frame. Initially to help an Uncle who went to Cleveland in the early 1900's. But also due to becoming orphans following the war. Another 3 were killed in World War II with another 2 fleeing in the 1950's to America. As well as the children of one who died before the war of Tuberculosis. The 1950's emigrants started one winter season in Cleveland with the other siblings but then quickly relocated to the Los Angeles area. Of those killed in the war, their families were (for the most part) left behind to live life in the regime in power at the time.

One of the grandkids of the descendants has been researching the activities of the Jordan family and her paternal side before and during World War II. Her parents were part of that 1950's batch with she being born soon after they arrived.

It is interesting to note that the emigrants around World War I were unskilled and barely finished the elementary / middle schools available at the time. the 1950's emigrants were better educated; some even being University professors. Pointing out that the World War I emigrees came because of economic reasons and the World War II ones for political ones.

Instead of becoming a site of deep study, we instead hope to gather up references to give a sense of the times in Slovenia. But we may cover more in-depth some of the collected, unpublished work of the children who came. Namely the Veliknoja's and Rus's — children of Mara Rus who become University professors. Much of the collection and analysis is provided by cousin Maria Velikonja.

External References

  • Velikonja, Maria; "Slovenes and their Liberty Struggle During Occupation 1945 Annotated", 2023, (Amazon) (synopsis available on our site here)
  • Velikonja, Maria; "Slovenia in/after World War II: Mass Graces Tour; Recommended Books", a Facebook group moderated by Maria
  • Velikonja, Maria; "Recommended Books", list
  • Kramar, Slavko Alojz; "Slovenian victims of Jasenovac given names and faces", Oct 2023, published by the Slovenian Cultural Association of Zagreb (see Slovenian Home Zagreb publication list and COBISS entry)
  • Batty, Peter; "Hoodwinking Churchill: Tito's Great Confidence Trick",
  • Piškurić, Jelka and Strajnar, Nežač; "Through the Time of Ordeal: Political prisoner Jelka Mrak Dolinar / Skozi Čas Preiskušenj: Politična zapornica Jelka Mrak Dolinar", the Study Center of National Reconcilation in Ljubljana (scnr)
  • Mlakar, Boris; "Slovensko Domobranstvo 1943-1945", (slovenian only)

Created by Randy. Last Modification: Tuesday 28 of November, 2023 11:43:52 EST by Randy. (Version 3)