
Autosomal DNA Studies

Table of contents:
note: dozens of projects login protected
There are dozens of projects with most behind login protection. They focus around the near term, living family that was tested or matching. Thus often only visible to the tester and their nearest relatives and matches they chose to share it with.

Unlike the corollary Branches, which are often focused on an earliest male surname-bearing ancestor and looking at their descendants down the tree to the present time, (Autosomal) DNA Studies are usually focused around a current Member and their pedigree up the ancestral tree and thus back in time. Basically, mimicking how people tend to build genealogical databases starting with themselves and close, known family members.

Branches, in most western European cultures, tends to be focused on the surname and patriline down from an EKA. And thus have yDNA haplogroup studies that correspond with them. Autosomal (atDNA) studies tend to occur around genealogical databases that start with the tester (and/or researcher) and work upward and outward. Like the Autosomal DNA Studies here. So associate DNA Studies with particular researchers, their genealogical work, and their autosomal matching of relations with common ancestors from the last 200 years.

On our sister H600 site, we bury the Autosomal Study Projects beneath the lowest level yDNA branch. As they exist solely to support the branch study work. And you may see an autosomal DNA Study cross listed under a Branches here for similar reasons. But, in general, autosomal studies are about lots of surnames that exist in a testers family within the past 200 years or so.

Special autosomal DNA Studies or unique projects may also be below a members own personal page. But likely still behind login and not visible to the general public.

What do the codes stand for?

Well, if we gave out our algorithm, that might give out too much detail. Lets just say we choose them to be easy to remember and yet unique to the site and do not give up too much information. But who knows, you may be smart enough to figure it out. If so, we may go to random characters! Most projects and their codes are behind login as they are associated with autosomal studies. If you got to this page because of a DNA match and saw the email and domain, then simply send an email to inquire about the match and study further.

Created by system. Last Modification: Sunday 26 of January, 2025 16:38:29 EST by Randy. (Version 10)