
GMP and DNAGedCom

A site for notes and gotcha's with the combination of Genome Mate Pro (GMP) and DNAGedCom (DGC) and their use on Autosomal analysis projects. See the H600 site Glossary and the 3rd Party Analysis Tools for information and links. Also understand the Genetic Genealogy Matching terms and process that these tools are trying to support.

Most "advanced" users trying to do in-depth autosomal match analysis are using a tool like GMP to manage the process. While extremely difficult to use, it was built by a similar user that wanted something better than hand-edited spreadsheets. The main focus is on Match List Analysis but there is support for Segment Match Analysis as well; where possible by the information provided by the testing source. Although DGC is a website and companion tool in its own right (that pre-dates GMP?), the tool or app is mainly focused at collecting the files that can feed GMP more auto-magically. Saving the user from copy-paste and separate download and upload of spreadsheets from the various sites. In some cases, DGC can extract more by getting match lists of matches that may not be easily collected any other way.

Created by Randy. Last Modification: Tuesday 02 of July, 2019 19:14:57 EDT by Randy. (Version 1)