
DNA Kit Management

Different DNA Testing Companies offer different login services; sometimes at different times. This just tries to catalog the variances so we keep it straight in our head.

Microarray Testing Sites: 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, LivingDNA, MyHeritage
WGS Testing Sites: Dante Labs, Nebula Genomics, (ySeq, FullGenomesCorp, Veritas)
  • Only actual testing sites given; not resellers of another labs product

CompanyUnique Login Req'dSingle Acct Management
23andMe No Yes (even if unique login)
AncestryDNA Now (since 2018) Yes (even if unique login)
FamilyTreeDNA Yes Yes
LivingDNA ? Yes (if in same account)
MyHeritage No ?
Dante Labs No Yes (if in same account)
Nebula Yes No

Basically, if Yes in the first column (unique login) and No in the second (single account management), then this site is more difficult to manage. Requiring logging in and out of multiple accounts to gain access to multiple test kits.

With Microarray companies and match databases, we look for other features:
23andMe Total/Longest/#Segs
AncestryDNA Total/Longest/#Segs
FamilyTreeDNA Total/Longest/#Segs

Created by Randy. Last Modification: Saturday 17 of October, 2020 18:46:04 EDT by Randy. (Version 2)