
This sub-album is actually created by Randy Harr as part of his genealogy research. All contributions have been found by him from various sources and are likely copyright by the original publisher. Just seemed more appropriate to keep this large collection together and here rather than in his Genealogy records DB.

Most articles are still in PDF (TIFF Group4) form and have to be converted to be uploaded here. Unlike other portions of the gallery, you do not have to be logged in to see the gallery/image to start nor to see the full size, full resolution image. As most entries are the full newspaper pages, was simply better to make the full image available to everyone. The collection as a whole is copyright Randy Harr independent of the individual page copyrights; with rights reserved. The collection is an education and research effort about the family members mentioned herein. There are thousands of articles on these families. I tried to pick the best image / publication that covered a particular topic without getting too repetitive. In a season, the same article would be published as "news" the weeks leading up to the shows arrival in each town. Many of the newspaper articles can be found on microfilm in local libraries, or one of the online archive services. Many of the other publications are available via or similar sources.

<i>For family members: Most are used to reading about the Millette and Jennier family. And most know that these were stage names they took on and made permanent. Ruth was originally in the Silbon family troupe. While started by Silbon siblings in the 1870's, by 1903 it no longer had any real Silbon family members. But the troupe remained for another 30 years. Eddie Mylett (not related to the Millettes) and Eugenie Alphonse were the leads of the troupe for most of those years and Ruth was one of their "adopted daughters" for 10+ years before Ira. Although Eddie and Eugenie were known as Silbon everywhere, they retained their Mylett name in legal records. As did Ruth keeping her Farris then Millette name as her legal one. Eddie Mylett is from the Silbon Siblings home town and is the first and real Eddie Silbon. Eddie and Eugenie never had any children of their own.</i>

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