Duke, Harry and Edna

Harry A. Duke and Edna Mae Payne family info as contributed by daughter Dianne Duke Bartlett. From the family archives of Harry A. Duke and Edna Mae Payne. Including Edna's mother (Irene Millette Payne) and grandparents (Ed Millette and Maud Ann Jennier).

As contributed and maintained by Dianne Payne Bartlett of Austin, TX in memory of her father Harry Duke and sister Susan Duke Gallia who worked to collect the family history. Also some contributions through them from their Aunt Dorothy Payne McClure who did extensive research.

Make sure to check out the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7ycZdZBP4">Millette home video</a> that Dianne has posted as well.

Also see the albums <a href="http://mycuz.us/gallery/McClurePayne">McClurePayne</a> and <a href="http://mycuz.us/gallery/MilletteJennier">MilletteJennier</a> that Dottie contributed. And <a href="http://mycuz.us/gallery/MilletteFarris">MilletteFarris</a> from Anne.

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