
Ameriska Domovina Archive

For over 10 years, we have had an interest in getting access to a digitized, indexed and possibly OCR archive of this 100+ year publication from the Cleveland Slovenian Community. We have long had references to it in our Research Resources page. Of immediate interest was to make sure a complete archive was obtained given the newspaper finally ceased publication in 2012. Given none of the traditional sources seemed to have a complete archive, hoping the family either still had or had donated it to some resource such as the Cleveland State University or Western Reserve Historical library. We have even requested this as a priority for the few years we were part of SGSI in the early 2010-2012 time frame.

Recently, there have begun to appear some projects on indexing (limited, to some simply name references) and scanning (more than just microfilm, but digitized). Hence the movement to collect the various sources of information here to track progress and remind ourselves to follow-up on leads and contact made with the publishers family and such.


External References

Remarks on Ceasing Publication

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday 02 of August, 2019 23:02:42 EDT by Randy. (Version 2)